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F&I - We Don't Just Train It,
We live it. Here's proof.


Controlling the Controllables

Justin Gasman
Much of what we encounter in the F&I office is not controllable. As an F&I professional, you cannot focus on the things outside of your control. You have to focus on those things that you can control.…

The Master’s Mindset

Rick McCormick
Performance in any arena is directly linked to a person's mindset much more than ability or circumstances.…

So Here’s the Deal – Disclosing the RISC

Ron Reahard
Properly disclosing a Retail Installment Sales Contract not only protects the dealership, it boosts customer satisfaction.…

The Why of F&I

Ron Reahard
Justifying the existence of the F&I department requires dealers to take a hard look at the value it offers to customers and its effect on the sales process.…

So Here’s The Deal – No Friend of Mine

Ron Reahard
Even with a world of information at their fingertips, today's car buyers still want someone they know to help them make the big decisions. That means you have to build value in the product for the friend just as you would for the buyer...…

Your Sales Manager Is a Criminal

Ron Reahard
As an F&I Professional, whenever you uncover a deceptive sales practice, you need to immediately bring it to the attention of your General Manager or Dealer. If that doesn't stop it, then you need to find a new job.…

Optimism in an Election Year

Ron Reahard
"So in these uncertain times, a little Dealer pessimism is certainly warranted. Yet, when you talk to Dealers, almost without exception they're optimistic. Because an optimistic Dealer is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies."…

Menu Selling Reloaded

Rick McCormick
The options on the menu are not products we sell; they are the answers to a problem or a need identified by the person sitting on the other side of the desk.…

Why I Love This Business

Ron Reahard
You can be a lazy dealer, and you can be a successful dealer, but you can't be both.…

3 Keys to Professional Growth

Ron Reahard
Professional growth and long-term success is never built upon a haphazard process that's been slapped together on a shallow foundation of knowledge and constructed on shifting ethical sands. Continued growth and extraordinary success in any endeavor requires short- and long-term goals, a plan to achieve those goals, and daily actions…

So Here’s The Deal – Collapse. Create. Repeat.

Ron Reahard
The menu Presentation represents another opportunity to build credibility with the customer. Merely reviewing, not selling, the options available the first time you run through the menu tells customers you're not going to attempt to sell them something they aren't interested in.…