F&I - We Don't Just Train It,
We live it. Here's proof.


Real Relationship

Rick McCormick
We've known for decades and heard throughout our careers the Lee Iacocca maxim, "Business, after all, is nothing more than a bunch of human relationships." However, I think the craziness of the recent past has caused us to become more dependent on innovation to strengthen our relationships.…

Real Relationship

Rick McCormick
We've known for decades and heard throughout our careers the Lee Iacocca maxim, "Business, after all, is nothing more than a bunch of human relationships." However, I think the craziness of the recent past has caused us to become more dependent on innovation to strengthen our relationships.…

Five-Star F&I: The Secret to Customer Delight

Justin Gasman
How F&I managers can organically solicit consumer feedback that pumps up business.…

Feet And Faces

Rick McCormick
We live in a world and industry that is moving quickly to digital and online options for purchasing a vehicle. While these concepts must be embraced, to quickly discount the impact of an in-person interaction and seek to eliminate one without the other is not wise. Let's look at the…

Understand To Oversell

Rick McCormick
Make your interaction with each customer unique, like he or she is, and all will be more likely to consider available products.…

Decisions – Decisions – Decisions

Rick McCormick
"Decision is a sharp knife that cuts clean and straight; Indecision is a dull one that hacks and tears and leaves ragged edges behind it." - Gordon Graham…

Professionals Practice. Posers Pretend!

Justin Gasman
To reach the next level in your sales career, you must have a personal policy to go the extra mile.…

The Five Myths of F&I

Rick McCormick
We live in the real world. Make-believe should be relegated to children's stories and movies. However, five myths have weaved their way into the F&I process.…

Good Word Choices

Justin Gasman
Agents should dedicate time to creativity and communication when interacting with sales staff, and train them how to do the same.…

F&I Conviction

Rick McCormick
It is not important that the client understands us - it is critical that they know we understand them.…

Busy – the Enemy of the Master!

Rick McCormick
"Either you run the day, or the day runs you!" The greatest enemy of the advancing F&I professional isn't lacking skills or opportunities, it's busyness! Mediocre performance is the result of excuses and padded time that prevents us from reaching mastery.…