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F&I - We Don't Just Train It,
We live it. Here's proof.


Controlling the Controllables

Justin Gasman
Much of what we encounter in the F&I office is not controllable. As an F&I professional, you cannot focus on the things outside of your control. You have to focus on those things that you can control.…

Creative License

Rick McCormick
Everyone is looking for that magic trait that will guarantee success. But successful F&I professionals know that consistently producing at high levels requires a combination of great people skills, the ability to think on your feet, a good sense of humor and effective closing skills that move customers to buy.…

A Day to Remember

Ron Reahard
If a customer ever has an unpleasant purchase experience at your dealership, it should keep you up at night, and you should wake up determined to create and deliver an enjoyable and memorable experience for your next customer. They should leave your dealership with an enormous smile on their face…

Training, Sir!

Ron Reahard
The most successful agents are seldom the cheapest product provider, but they are always the best at helping their dealers grow their business. They get results. Today, your agency has to be in the results business. And that requires training, sir!…

So Here’s The Deal – The Light-Bulb Close

Ron Reahard
The magazine's F&I wiz shows a reader from Kentucky how comparing a high-mileage vehicle to a light bulb can demonstrate to a customer the value of a service contract.…

So Here’s The Deal – Selling to Affluent Customers

Ron Reahard
An F&I pro from California is having trouble selling F&I protections to his affluent customer base. "We have extremely affluent customers, and the biggest objection I get is them being able to offset the risk themselves versus relying on extended warranties, GAP or things of that nature. Do you have…

Recording The F&I Transaction

Ron Reahard
Adding cameras to your F&I process can boost production and compliance - and put you ahead of the YouTube curve.…

F&I’s New Mantra

Rick McCormick
The voices of auto consumers are being heard loud and clear. They demand a process that is transparent, focused on them and doesn't waste their time. Add to this the recent phenomenon of "showrooming," where potential buyers use their mobile devices to verify information up to the very moment the…

So Here’s The Deal – The Two-Part Objection

Ron Reahard
"A customer can't see the value of the extended service contract or doesn't think they need it, and they also can't afford it. What's the best way to handle this combo objection?"…

So Here’s The Deal – Overcoming the Warranty Objection

Ron Reahard
How to overcome the "I've got a 10-year, 100,00 mile warranty; I don't need a service contract." While a manufacturer’s warranty can certainly help sell a vehicle, it can also sometimes be a hurdle in the F&I office.…

Conquering The Curveball

Rick McCormick
Practicing and studying the pitcher are the keys to hitting baseball’s most unhittable pitch. But like the top hitters in baseball, top F&I performers adjust to the changing metrics of their craft, prepare for every eventuality and are ready to help every customer regardless of the challenges they might pose.…