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F&I - We Don't Just Train It,
We live it. Here's proof.


Controlling the Controllables

Justin Gasman
Much of what we encounter in the F&I office is not controllable. As an F&I professional, you cannot focus on the things outside of your control. You have to focus on those things that you can control.…

Delivering On F&I’s Promise

Ron Reahard
Every minute the customer spends in your office must add genuine value to his or her purchase experience. regardless of the F&I sales process our department follows. The process has to be just as valuable to customers as it is to the dealership.…

10.5 Ways To Create Customer Interest

Rick McCormick
The part of the process most F&I professionals skip is creating interest. Instead, they build little rapport with the customer before jumping right into the sale. This can create a negative impression, intimates a high sales pressure atmosphere and tends to yield less than desired results.…

Pay Plans Revisited

Rick McCormick
Far too many compensation plans are a patchwork of fixes that, in the end, make the plans more confusing and less impactful. The magazine's F&I expert has the answer, a plan that accounts for a new market dynamic.…

Expect Perfection

Ron Reahard
Successful dealers lead by example. Strive for perfection and expect the same from your sales and finance teams.…

Written In Stone

Ron Reahard
The current political climate is unfriendly toward profitable dealerships and productive F&I departments. The best way to change the conversation is to remind the public that dealers are not just in it for themselves.…

The Road to Mediocrity

Ron Reahard
F&I superstars are not “discovered” on F&I Idol, and they do not achieve exceptional performance, profits and CSI by accident. Every F&I professional I’ve ever encountered has been well trained. And every top producer also continues to improve his or her skills. And finally, they're always highly motivated – either…

Reaching The Peak

Rick McCormick
If you are faced with a mountain, you have several options: You can go around it, dig under it, fly over it, conclude it is too high to climb and go back the way you came, or you can climb it. When we are challenged to increase our production levels,…

Dealing With Eternal Life

Ron Reahard
The CFPB remains determined to put the squeeze on dealers, and there's no sign of the agency going away. F&I trainer says it's time to put your house in order before rate markup meets its maker.…

By The Numbers

Rick McCormick
Despite what you may believe, F&I isn't all about the numbers. It's about helping customers make great buying decisions. Our numbers merely serve as indicators of how well we are at doing that. However, to really gauge the health of your F&I department, you have to measure more than your…

Training and Retraining

Rick McCormick
Your managers and staff should want to grow. You do not have to feed people who are not hungry. When things are going well, training can be an afterthought. But wait-who is not hungry for more success? Not you, and I am sure your staff feels the same way.…